Monday, 8 December 2014

Linear equation of Pagume 6: Two theories of Earth- theory of the Tropics compa...

Linear equation of Pagume 6: Two theories of Earth- theory of the Tropics compa...: Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belong to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following ...

    The day Pagume 6 recurs once in every four years. It is also called a leap year day. It is made from fractions of seconds of 1461 days (=365.25*4).
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    1. Introduction. Pagumetropics is a real new world science that studies about discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates. Therefore, it is inclusive of ...
    When you join a group, other members will be able to see your profile and message you. The group logo will be visible on your profile unless you change that setting.
    Linear equation of Pagume 6 Thursday, July 4, 2013. Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates. http://youtu.befassiltassewtadesse/IdVA5e5vhIo
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    Dec 18, 2013 · Neither English-English Dictionary nor encyclopedias of Britannica or American know the Ethiopian calendar months. As a result all bilingual English

Tropics: Analysis of the Undiscovered Pagume

Tropics: Analysis of the Undiscovered Pagume: Analysis of the Undiscovered Pagume The Undiscovered Pagume through Programming of two solar calendars months describe statistically that..


    The day Pagume 6 recurs once in every four years. It is also called a leap year day. It is made from fractions of seconds of 1461 days (=365.25*4).
  2.   Cached
    1. Introduction. Pagumetropics is a real new world science that studies about discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates. Therefore, it is inclusive of ...
    When you join a group, other members will be able to see your profile and message you. The group logo will be visible on your profile unless you change that setting.
    Linear equation of Pagume 6 Thursday, July 4, 2013. Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates. http://youtu.befassiltassewtadesse/IdVA5e5vhIo
  5.   Cached
    Dec 18, 2013 · Neither English-English Dictionary nor encyclopedias of Britannica or American know the Ethiopian calendar months. As a result all bilingual English

Linear equation of Pagume 6: Two New theories of time (i) time of the Tropics , and (ii) time of the Temperates

Linear equation of Pagume 6: Two theories of Earth- theory of the Tropics compa...: Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belongs to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following ...