- pagumetropics6.wordpress.comThe day Pagume 6 recurs once in every four years. It is also called a leap year day. It is made from fractions of seconds of 1461 days (=365.25*4).
- www.linkedin.com/today/post/
article/20140630225332... Cached 1. Introduction. Pagumetropics is a real new world science that studies about discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates. Therefore, it is inclusive of ... - www.linkedin.com/groups/Pagume-6
-4768902.S.203666057 When you join a group, other members will be able to see your profile and message you. The group logo will be visible on your profile unless you change that setting. - pagume6.blogspot.comLinear equation of Pagume 6 Thursday, July 4, 2013. Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates. http://youtu.befassiltassewtadesse/IdVA5e5vhIo
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=werv4q8miRY CachedDec 18, 2013 · Neither English-English Dictionary nor encyclopedias of Britannica or American know the Ethiopian calendar months. As a result all bilingual English
We are in the process of making new worlds. The Tropics rotates and revolves faster than the Temperates. So that there are two technologies of time: Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar. I used 68 years data to discover the truths of new worlds.
Monday, 8 December 2014
Linear equation of Pagume 6: Two theories of Earth- theory of the Tropics compa...
Linear equation of Pagume 6: Two theories of Earth- theory of the Tropics compa...: Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belong to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following ...
Tropics: Analysis of the Undiscovered Pagume
Tropics: Analysis of the Undiscovered Pagume: Analysis of the Undiscovered Pagume The Undiscovered Pagume through Programming of two solar calendars months describe statistically that..
- pagumetropics6.wordpress.comThe day Pagume 6 recurs once in every four years. It is also called a leap year day. It is made from fractions of seconds of 1461 days (=365.25*4).
- www.linkedin.com/today/post/
article/20140630225332... Cached 1. Introduction. Pagumetropics is a real new world science that studies about discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates. Therefore, it is inclusive of ... - www.linkedin.com/groups/Pagume-6
-4768902.S.203666057 When you join a group, other members will be able to see your profile and message you. The group logo will be visible on your profile unless you change that setting. - pagume6.blogspot.comLinear equation of Pagume 6 Thursday, July 4, 2013. Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates. http://youtu.befassiltassewtadesse/IdVA5e5vhIo
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=werv4q8miRY CachedDec 18, 2013 · Neither English-English Dictionary nor encyclopedias of Britannica or American know the Ethiopian calendar months. As a result all bilingual English
Linear equation of Pagume 6: Two New theories of time (i) time of the Tropics , and (ii) time of the Temperates
Linear equation of Pagume 6: Two theories of Earth- theory of the Tropics compa...: Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belongs to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following ...
Friday, 28 November 2014
Tropics: Seasons of the Tropics are different from seasons ...
Tropics: Seasons of the Tropics are different from seasons ...: http://pagumetropics.blogspot.com/ The surface area of the Tropics is 429,962,824.6 km2, where as surface area of the Temperates is about 81...
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Tropics: ዓመተ ምህረት
Tropics: ዓመተ ምህረት: ዓመተ ምህረት ማለት ሰዎች ከምድርና ፀሐይ ካለማቋረጥ የሚቀዳውን የ365.25 እለት በሦስት ምድብ አራት አመት ጊዜ በ365 እለት ለተከታታይ 3 ዓመት እና በአራት አመት አነዴ 366 እለት መደብ ቀደም ሲል ቢደነገግም ከእ...hhh://www.pagumetropicsofethiopiawordpress.com
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Economics is beyond natural and social sciences that knows the undiscovered day of Pagume 6 is the source of Global market failure!
Economics is beyond natural and social science that knows the undiscovered day of Pagume 6 is the source of Global market failure! Pagume is known neither in the literature nor in practices of economics. However, the 1953 and the 1994 of current Ethiopia’s income tax law verbally obliges every employer to treat budget of Pagume to be aggregated with budget of Nehase so as to make it as one special month budget. “Employers have an obligation to withhold the tax from each payment to an employee, and to pay the withheld amounts to the Tax Authority the amount withheld during each calendar month, in applying preceding income attributable to the months of Nehase and Pagume shall be aggregated and treated as the income of one month.” Income tax law (1994Ec 2002Gc) at 1873. But the problem is there were no two fiscal instruments that use to implement budget of Nehase and Pagume. Actually I derived two complementary income tax schedules that use to plan, legislate and execute budget of 35 and 36 days 4 years ago. Besides, I wrote new book titled “Ethiopian calendar belongs to whom? Pagume 6. I compared the Ethiopian calendar months and Gregorian calendar months using 68 calendar data (1933-1999) in 2005. I found three important results. The intersections and disjoint number of days of two months of each calendar, the number of days of Pagume and its linear equation and The subset of three categories of four years. Moreover, I discovered the reason why Pagume is missed from any literature and economics through programming two solar calendars. Finally, consistent with the current Ethiopia’s income tax law verbal requirement, the period of Pagume is incorporated in the calendar system together with the month of Nehase as the 12th month. This means the number of days of the 12th month is 35 in an ordinary year and 36 in the leap year (Nehase and Pagume). What is the difference between Pagume and 6 to 10 or 11 of September? Pagume and 6 to 10 or 11 of September are compared based on the following eight observed comparable facts. These eight observed comparable facts are • Names of the months, • Order of the months, • Number of days of the months • The place where the month recur, • Beginning and ending days of each month, • Number of days of the overlapping months (intersection of the months), • Names of the seasons during which the month recurs. The name Pagume is different from the name 6 to 10 or 11 days of September. Pagume is a subset of Ethiopian calendar that has 5 or 6 days and it covers about 14% (=5/35 *100% in an ordinary year) and 17 % (=6/36*100% in leap year) of the 12th month. But 6 to 10 or 11 of September is a subset of Gregorian calendar that has 5 or 6 days that covers 16.7% (=5/30*100% in an ordinary year) and 20% (=6/30*100%) of the 8th month. Pagume reveals 5 or 6 faster rotations of the Tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September is slower rotations of the Temperates. Pagume and 6 to 10 or 11 of September have equivalent number of days, they do overlap. Therefore, Pagume and 6 to 10 or 11 of September are different months, because each month has different beginning and ending days. This means that Pagume is 1, when September is 6 and Pagume is 5 or 6, when September is 10 or 11. Therefore, 5 or 6 days of Pagume (1 to 5 or 6) overlaps with 5 or 6 days of September (6 to 10 or 11). Finally it is useful to know that Pagume and 6 to 10 or 11 of September are different days according to which each day recurs during different seasons. Thus Pagume recurs during the first quarter season of the north and south Tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September does during the first quarter season of the north and south Temperates. Therefore; 5 or 6 days of Pagume recur during Kermit of north and Bega of south Tropics; when 6 to 10 or 11 of September recur during summer of north and winter of south Temperates respectively. 

Economics is beyond natural and social science that knows the undiscovered day of Pagume 6 is the source of Global market failure!
Economics is beyond natural and social science that knows the undiscovered day of Pagume 6 is the source of Global market failure!
Pagume is known neither in the literature nor in practices of economics. However, the current Ethiopia’s income tax law verbally obliges every employer to treat budget of Pagume to be aggregated with budget of Nehase and considered them as one special month budget.
“Employers have an obligation to withhold the tax from each payment to an employee, and to pay the withheld amounts to the Tax Authority the amount withheld during each calendar month, in applying preceding income attributable to the months of Nehase and Pagume shall be aggregated and treated as the income of one month.” Income tax law (2002) at 1873
I wrote new book titled “Ethiopian calendar belongs to whom? Pagume 6. I compared the Ethiopian calendar months and Gregorian calendar months using 68 calendar data (1933-1999) in 2005. I found three important results. The intersections and disjoint number of days of two months of each calendar, the number of days of Pagume and its linear equation and The subset of three categories of four years.
Moreover, I discovered the reason why Pagume is missed from any literature and economics through programming two solar calendars. Finally, consistent with the current Ethiopia’s income tax law verbal requirement, the period of Pagume is incorporated in the calendar system together with the month of Nehase as the 12th month. This means the number of days of the 12th month is 35 in an ordinary year and 36 in the leap year (Nehase and Pagume).
What is the difference between Pagume and 6 to 10 or 11 of September?
Pagume and 6 to 10 or 11 of September are compared based on the following eight observed comparable facts. These eight observed comparable facts are
• Names of the months,
• Order of the months,
• Number of days of the months
• The place where the month recur,
• Beginning and ending days of each month,
• Number of days of the overlapping months (intersection of the months),
• Names of the seasons during which the month recurs.
The name Pagume is different from the name 6 to 10 or 11 days of September. Pagume is a subset of Ethiopian calendar that has 5 or 6 days and it covers about 14% (=5/35 *100% in an ordinary year) and 17 % (=6/36*100% in leap year) of the 12th month. But 6 to 10 or 11 of September is a subset of Gregorian calendar that has 5 or 6 days that covers 16.7% (=5/30*100% in an ordinary year) and 20% (=6/30*100%) of the 8th month.
Pagume reveals 5 or 6 faster rotations of the Tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September is slower rotations of the Temperates. Pagume and 6 to 10 or 11 of September have equivalent number of days, they do overlap. Therefore, Pagume and 6 to 10 or 11 of September are different months, because each month has different beginning and ending days. This means that Pagume is 1, when September is 6 and Pagume is 5 or 6, when September is 10 or 11. Therefore, 5 or 6 days of Pagume (1 to 5 or 6) overlaps with 5 or 6 days of September (6 to 10 or 11).
Finally it is useful to know that Pagume and 6 to 10 or 11 of September are different days according to which each day recurs during different seasons. Thus Pagume recurs during the first quarter season of the north and south Tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September does during the first quarter season of the north and south Temperates. Therefore; 5 or 6 days of Pagume recur during Kermit of north and Bega of south Tropics; when 6 to 10 or 11 of September recur during summer of north and winter of south Temperates respectively.
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Analysis of the Undiscovered Pagume
Analysis of the Undiscovered Pagume
The Undiscovered Pagume through Programming of two solar calendars months describe statistically that number of days of ordinary year and leap year of Ethiopian calendar months are less than that of Gregorian calendar months by 5 days and 6 days respectively. As a result the average number of days of ordinary year and leap year is also less than the solar year standard by 0.41667 and 0.5 days respectively (Refer to Table 3.1. rows 13 and 14 of columns H and I). Row 13th of column H and I shows that the total difference days of ordinary year and leap year of two solar calendar months are negative five and negative six ( -5 and -6).
The Undiscovered Pagume through Programming of two solar calendars months reveals -5 and – 6 are the number of days in which the Ethiopian calendar is less than the Gregorian calendar both in an ordinary and leap year respectively, in accordance with the current bilingual English Amharic definition.
Therefore, we discovered that -5 and -6 refer to the Undiscovered Pagume and reveal the facts that both the Tropics remain undiscovered and the Temperates re-undiscovered. Both of the Tropics remain undiscovered and the Temperates re-undiscovered; because, according to the eternal working of Ethiopian solar calendar these 5 and 6 days which are called Pagume recur in the Tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September recur in the Temperates.
Therefore, both use of Gregorian calendar in the Tropics and Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia are false and against the solar system.
Use of Gregorian calendar in the Tropics is false and against the solar system because longer variations of day and night, slower rotations and revolution and extreme seasons of the Temperates that are revealed by the Gregorian calendar month’s were/are/will not be recurring in the Tropics. Therefore, anyone is able to assert that one who does use Gregorian calendar in the Tropics is neither his body nor soul is connected with where he or she stands on.
Use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is also false and against the solar system, because the circumference of current Ethiopia cannot cover 24 hours. Besides, shorter variations of day and night, faster rotations and revolution and moderate seasons of the Tropics are revealed by the Ethiopian calendar months. Therefore any one can assert one who does use Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is he/she does know neither daylight nor night of the day.
Moreover, the power of the day Pagume 6 is known neither by western world nor by Ethiopians who wrote about the Ethiopian calendar.
Analysis of the Undiscovered Pagume
Analysis of the Undiscovered Pagume
The Undiscovered Pagume through Programming of two solar calendars months describe statistically that number of days of ordinary year and leap year of Ethiopian calendar months are less than that of Gregorian calendar months by 5 days and 6 days respectively. As a result the average number of days of ordinary year and leap year is also less than the solar year standard by 0.41667 and 0.5 days respectively (Refer to Table 3.1. rows 13 and 14 of columns H and I). Row 13th of column H and I shows that the total difference days of ordinary year and leap year of two solar calendar months are negative five and negative six ( -5 and -6).
The Undiscovered Pagume through Programming of two solar calendars months reveals -5 and – 6 are the number of days in which the Ethiopian calendar is less than the Gregorian calendar both in an ordinary and leap year respectively, in accordance with the current bilingual English Amharic definition.
Therefore, we discovered that -5 and -6 refer to the Undiscovered Pagume and reveal the facts that both the Tropics remain undiscovered and the Temperates re-undiscovered. Both of the Tropics remain undiscovered and the Temperates re-undiscovered; because, according to the eternal working of Ethiopian solar calendar these 5 and 6 days which are called Pagume recur in the Tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September recur in the Temperates.
Therefore, both use of Gregorian calendar in the Tropics and Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia are false and against the solar system.
Use of Gregorian calendar in the Tropics is false and against the solar system because longer variations of day and night, slower rotations and revolution and extreme seasons of the Temperates that are revealed by the Gregorian calendar month’s were/are/will not be recurring in the Tropics. Therefore, anyone is able to assert that one who does use Gregorian calendar in the Tropics is neither his body nor soul is connected with where he or she stands on.
Use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is also false and against the solar system, because the circumference of current Ethiopia cannot cover 24 hours. Besides, shorter variations of day and night, faster rotations and revolution and moderate seasons of the Tropics are revealed by the Ethiopian calendar months. Therefore any one can assert one who does use Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is he/she does know neither daylight nor night of the day.
Moreover, the power of the day Pagume 6 is known neither by western world nor by Ethiopians who wrote about the Ethiopian calendar.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
ዓመተ ምህረት
ዓመተ ምህረት ማለት ሰዎች ከምድርና ፀሐይ ካለማቋረጥ የሚቀዳውን የ365.25 እለት በሦስት ምድብ አራት አመት ጊዜ በ365 እለት ለተከታታይ 3 ዓመት እና በአራት አመት አነዴ 366 እለት መደብ ቀደም ሲል ቢደነገግም ከእየሱስ መወለድ መስከረም 1፡0 ዓመተ ምህረት ጀምሮ ግን በሦሥት ምድብ አራት ዓመት፤ በ12 ወሮች፤ በ52 ሳመንት ከ አንድ እለት እና ኩለት እለት መድበው በአዲስ ፍቅር፤ሥራ፤መተሳሰብ፤መግባባት፤ተፈጥሮን በመመርመር፤ በትምህርት፤ በፖለቲካዊ፤ማህበራዊ፤ኢክኖሚያዊ እና ሐይማኖታዊ ተግባራት እውቀትንና ክህሎተን በማማከል ከትውልድ ወደ ትውልድ በመዝገብ የሚተላለፍ የቀን መቁጠሪያ ጊዜ ድንጋጌ ማለት ነው፡፡
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Happy New Leap Year of 2007 in the Tropics
Happy New Leap Year of 2007 in the Tropics
I wish all of the world people to have happy new leap year of 2007.
Happy new leap year has special meaning. It is the year of the day Pagume 6 or the 3rd category year because of the fact the number of days is 366. Hamuselt 1 Meskeram, 2007 is the beginning of new leap year. It is the year of Pagume 6, because year 2007 ends when Pagume 6 ends.
The leap year day Pagume 6 is recorded both by clock and calendar in 2007. This is because the sum of 6 hours of year 2004 in category one and 12 hours of years 2005 and 2006 in category two and 6 hours of 2007 in category three is equal 24 hours on the 1461st day (365.25*4 or 365*3+366). The day Pagume 6 is recorded by two solar technologies: clock and calendar in the Tropics, when September is 11 in the Temperates. Thus the cycle of the day Pagume 6 is once in every four year is the truth of our solar system.
Thus, alternatively, one is able to express his wishes by saying that “Happy new 502nd leap year”. Because, (502-0.25) is divided by 0.25 is equal to year 2007. This shows that since the birth of Christ, year 2007 is the 502nd leap year.
To celebrate the precision, we can construct and use the linear equation of leap year. Suppose the number of cycle of leap year is dependent variable(Y) and the number of leap year is independent variable (X), the linear equation of leap year or category three can be written as follows.
Linear equation of leap year is also used to confirm us that 2007 is the 502nd leap year.
This means that if you substitute number 2007 in place of X, the value of Y is 502.
Y=0.25(2007) +0.25-------------(1.4.2)
Y=501.75 +0.25---------------(1.4.3)
Thus equation 1.4 is used to forecast any leap year.
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Economics of Pagume: Abstract on Personal Income Tax analisis and Reven...
Economics of Pagume: Abstract on Personal Income Tax analisis and Reven...: Abstract A general problem in today’s Ethiopia is the failure or unwillingness to discover income tax base for a period of Pagume. The non ...
Saturday, 6 September 2014
ዓመተ ምህረት
ዓመተ ምህረት ማለት ሰዎች ከምድርና ፀሐይ ካለማቋረጥ የሚቀዳውን የ365.25 እለት በሦስት ምድብ አራት አመት ጊዜ በ365 እለት ለተከታታይ 3 ዓመት እና በአራት አመት አነዴ 366 እለት መደብ ቀደም ሲል ቢደነገግም ከእየሱስ መወለድ መስከረም 1፡0 ዓመተ ምህረት ጀምሮ ግን በአዲስ ፍቅር፤ሥራ፤መተሳሰብ፤መግባባት፤ተፈጥሮን በመመርመር፤ በትምህርት፤ ማህበራዊ፤ኢኮኖሚያዊ እና ሐይማኖታዊ ተግባራት እውቀትንና ክህሎተን ባማከለ መልኩ ከትውልድ ወደ ትውልድ በመዝገብ የሚተላለፍ የቀን መቁጠሪያ ጊዜ ድንጋጌ ማለት ነው፡፡
የዛሬዉ ቅዳሜእለት፤ ጳጉሜ 1፣ 2006 ዓ.ም. የምድር ሞቃት እለት ነው፡፡ በቀዝቃዛው ምድር ግን ሳተርዳዬ፤ ሰብቴምበር 6፤2014 ነው፡፡ የዚህ ምክንያት ሁለት አዲስ የጊዜ ንድፈ ሀሳቦች በመኖራቸውና፤ እነዚህን ሁለት የጊዜ ንድፈ ሀሳቦች ወደ ተግባር መለወጫ ሁለት የጊዜ ተnማት በመሰራታቸውና በመኖራቸው ነው፡፡
በቅድሚያ አዲስ ሁለቱ የጊዜ ንድፈ ሐሳቦች ምንድናቸው?
ንድፈ ሀሳብ አንድ፡- አጭር የቀንብረሃንና ለሊት ልዩነት እና መካከለኛ የወቅቶች ልዩነት ማለት ፈጣን የሞቃት ምድር ሹረትና ዙረት መሆኑን የሚመለከት የጊዜ ንድፈ ሀሳብ ነው፡፡
ንድፈ ሀሳብ ሁለት፡-ረጅም የቀንብርሀንና ለሊት ልዩነት እና ከፍተኛ የወቅቶች ልዩነት ማለት የቀዝቃዛ ምድር ቀርፋፋ ሹረትና ዙረት መሆኑን የሚመለከት የጊዜ ንድፈ ሀሳብ ነው፡፡
ከላይ የተመለከቱትን የጊዜ ንድፈ ሀሳቦች ወደ ተግባር ለመለወጥ የተሰሩት ወይም ከሞቃቱ ምድርና ፀሃይ እና ከቀዝቃዘው ምድርና ፀሃይ የተቀዱት የጊዜ ቴክኖሎጂዎች ምንድን ናቸው?
ሁለቱ የጊዜ ቴክኖሎጂ የሚከተሉት ቸው፡፡
የኢተዮጵያ ቀን መቁጠሪያ አንደኛው የጊዜ ቴክኖሎጂ ሲሆን፤
የግሪጎሪያን ቀን መቁጠሪያ ማለት ሁለተኛው የጊዜ ተnN} ነው፡፡
Monday, 1 September 2014
Thursday, 28 August 2014
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temp...
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temp...: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates Although we are living in a digital age, about 26.11% of our land is called th...
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temp...
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temp...: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates Although we are living in a digital age, about 26.11% of our land is called th...
Sunday, 10 August 2014
Home Business Central - Earn Income From Home
http://worldprofitsocial.com/Pagumefive/Home Business Central - Earn Income From Home
Weekly distribution of Pagume 6
is the formula that describes how the daily average seconds of Pagume 6 which
is greater than 59 seconds and less than a minute that cannot be recorded by
clock are distributed by the standard of week days so as to be recorded both by
two technologies: clock and solar calendar once in a leap year.
is the formula that describes how the daily average seconds of Pagume 6 which
is greater than 59 seconds and less than a minute that cannot be recorded by
clock are distributed by the standard of week days so as to be recorded both by
two technologies: clock and solar calendar once in a leap year.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Fassil Tassew Tadesse - Google+
Silence scandal of the Tropics(>84% of the total surface area of the earth) is alike to a theft of camel pulling it in a sheep-herd.
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates
Circumference of the Earth at the equator is multiplied by cosine of any degree is equal to circumference of the earth at that degree.
Circumference of the Earth at the equator is multiplied by cosine of any degree is equal to circumference of the earth at that degree.
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates
Circumference of the Earth at the equator is multiplied by cosine of any degree is equal to circumference of the earth at that degree.
Circumference of the Earth at the equator is multiplied by cosine of any degree is equal to circumference of the earth at that degree.
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Discovering tropics and rediiscovering temperate | Pagumetropics of ethiopia WordPress.com site is the bee's knees
Discovering tropics and rediscovering temperate | Pagumetropics of ethiopia WordPress.com site is the bee's kneesfassiltassewplogpost.com
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
What are the dissimilarities between Hamle and July?
There are two independent new
theories of earth.
theories of earth.
Theory I
Theory I
shorter variation of daylight and night is the faster rotation of the tropics.
shorter variation of daylight and night is the faster rotation of the tropics.
Theory II
Theory II
When the
longer variation of daylight and night is the slower rotation of the
When the
longer variation of daylight and night is the slower rotation of the
Theory I is verified by the empirical data of solar calendar
of Ethiopia, when theory II is verified by empirical data of Gregorian
of Ethiopia, when theory II is verified by empirical data of Gregorian
30 days
of Meskeram is different from 30 days of September
of Meskeram is different from 30 days of September
Meskeram is the first month of the year in the
Tropics, when September is the ninth month of the year in the Temperates.
Meskeram is the first month of the year in the
Tropics, when September is the ninth month of the year in the Temperates.
30 days of Tikimt is different from
31 days of October,
31 days of October,
Tikimt is the second month of the year in the
Tropics, when October is the tenth month of the year in the Temperates.
Tikimt is the second month of the year in the
Tropics, when October is the tenth month of the year in the Temperates.
30 days of Hidar is different from 30
days of November,
days of November,
Hidar is the third month of the year in the Tropics,
when November is the eleventh month of the year in the Temperates.
Hidar is the third month of the year in the Tropics,
when November is the eleventh month of the year in the Temperates.
30 days of Tahisas is different from
31 days of December,
31 days of December,
Tahisas is the fourth month of the year in the
Tropics, when December is the 12th and last month of the year in the
Tahisas is the fourth month of the year in the
Tropics, when December is the 12th and last month of the year in the
30 days of Tir is different from 31
days of January,
days of January,
Tir is the fifth month of the year in the Tropics,
when January is the first month of the year in the Temperates.
Tir is the fifth month of the year in the Tropics,
when January is the first month of the year in the Temperates.
30 days of Yekatit is different from
28 or 29 days of February,
28 or 29 days of February,
Yekatit is the sixth month of the year in the
Tropics, when February is the second month of the year in the Temperates.
Yekatit is the sixth month of the year in the
Tropics, when February is the second month of the year in the Temperates.
30 days of Megabit is different from
31 days of March,
31 days of March,
Megabit is the 7th month of the year in
the Tropics, when March is the third month of the year in the Temperates.
Megabit is the 7th month of the year in
the Tropics, when March is the third month of the year in the Temperates.
30 days of Miyazia is different from
30 days of April,
30 days of April,
Miyazia is the 8th month of the year in
the Tropics, when April is the 4th month of the year in the Temperates.
Miyazia is the 8th month of the year in
the Tropics, when April is the 4th month of the year in the Temperates.
30 days of Ginbot is different from
31 days of May,
31 days of May,
Ginbot is the 9th month of the year in
the Tropics, when May is the 5th month of the year in the
Ginbot is the 9th month of the year in
the Tropics, when May is the 5th month of the year in the
30 days of Sene is different from 30
days of June,
days of June,
Sene is the 10th month of the year in the
Tropics, when June is the 6th month of the year in the Temperates.
Sene is the 10th month of the year in the
Tropics, when June is the 6th month of the year in the Temperates.
30 days of Hamle is different from 31
days of July,
days of July,
Hamle is the 11th month of the year in
the Tropics, when July is the 7th month of the year in the
Hamle is the 11th month of the year in
the Tropics, when July is the 7th month of the year in the
30 days of Nehase is different from
31 days of August,
31 days of August,
Nehase is the subset of 12th month of the
year in the Tropics, when August is the 8th month of the year in the
Nehase is the subset of 12th month of the
year in the Tropics, when August is the 8th month of the year in the
5 or 6 days of Pagume is different
from 6 to 10 or 11 of September.
from 6 to 10 or 11 of September.
Pagume is the subset of 12th month of the
year in the Tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September which is subset of the 9th
month of the year in the Temperates.
Pagume is the subset of 12th month of the
year in the Tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September which is subset of the 9th
month of the year in the Temperates.
Pagume is 5 and 6 faster rotations of the Tropics,
when 6 to 10 or 11 of September are slower rotations of the Temperates.
Pagume is 5 and 6 faster rotations of the Tropics,
when 6 to 10 or 11 of September are slower rotations of the Temperates.
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Friday, 11 July 2014
Gmail - Fassil Tassew, see how your posts are doing
Gmail - Fassil Tassew, see how your posts are doing
We are in the process of making new world.Let me share you the new
science that is called Pagumetropics. One may call it the science of
"super physics".
Shorter variations of day and night, moderate seasons and faster
rotations and revolution of the Tropics are different from longer
variations of day and night, extreme seasons and slower rotations and
revolution of the Temperates.
On 7/7/14, LinkedIn <messages-noreply@linkedin.com> wrote:
> Fassil Tassew, here's your weekly detailed report as of Sunday, July 6, 2014
> 11:59 PM PDT
> Boost your stats with these tips
> ------------------------------------------fassiltassewwordpress.com
We are in the process of making new world.Let me share you the new
science that is called Pagumetropics. One may call it the science of
"super physics".
Shorter variations of day and night, moderate seasons and faster
rotations and revolution of the Tropics are different from longer
variations of day and night, extreme seasons and slower rotations and
revolution of the Temperates.
On 7/7/14, LinkedIn <messages-noreply@linkedin.com> wrote:
> Fassil Tassew, here's your weekly detailed report as of Sunday, July 6, 2014
> 11:59 PM PDT
> Boost your stats with these tips
> ------------------------------------------fassiltassewwordpress.com
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Tropics: Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days o...
Pagumetropics discovers that a week is
also a natural division of time. The number week days is determined to have 7
days because of the nature of solar year that has 365.25 days. For the benefit
of human being, calendar solar year is made to have 365 days for three
consecutive years, 366 days once in a leap year.
also a natural division of time. The number week days is determined to have 7
days because of the nature of solar year that has 365.25 days. For the benefit
of human being, calendar solar year is made to have 365 days for three
consecutive years, 366 days once in a leap year.
Next the year is decided to have 12
months. Thus 365 or 366 days is divided by 12 equals 30 and remainder 5 or 6
days. In the Ethiopian calendar, 12 months are divided into 11 of 30 days and 1
of 35 or 36 days.
months. Thus 365 or 366 days is divided by 12 equals 30 and remainder 5 or 6
days. In the Ethiopian calendar, 12 months are divided into 11 of 30 days and 1
of 35 or 36 days.
Next the calendar year is divided in
to 7 days of the week. One week has 7 days, because a quarter day of the solar
year that becomes a day in every four years also becomes 7 days in every 28
years. The number of days a week is 7 days because of the nature of the day
Pagume 6.
to 7 days of the week. One week has 7 days, because a quarter day of the solar
year that becomes a day in every four years also becomes 7 days in every 28
years. The number of days a week is 7 days because of the nature of the day
Pagume 6.
Thus 365 and 366 days are divided by 7
is equal to 52 weeks and remainder 1 day (ordinary year) and 2 days in every
leap year.
is equal to 52 weeks and remainder 1 day (ordinary year) and 2 days in every
leap year.
Pins from tinacook.tv on Pinterest by nstitute of Pagume 6
Pins from tinacook.tv on Pinterest
What is Ethiopia’s renaissance? Why Ethiopia’s renaissance is also called African Renaissance?
What is Ethiopia’s renaissance? Why Ethiopia’s renaissance is also called African Renaissance?
What is Ethiopia’s renaissance? Why Ethiopia’s renaissance is also called African Renaissance?
Google - Bookmarks
What is
Ethiopia’s renaissance? Why Ethiopia’s
renaissance is also called African Renaissance?
Ethiopia’s renaissance? Why Ethiopia’s
renaissance is also called African Renaissance?
The word renaissance means
“rebirth.” The idea of rebirth originated in the belief that Europeans had
rediscovered the superiority of Greek and Roman culture after many centuries of
what they considered intellectual and cultural decline. The preceding era,
which began with the collapse of the Roman Empire around the 5th century,
became known as the middle Ages to indicate its position between the classical
and modern world.
“rebirth.” The idea of rebirth originated in the belief that Europeans had
rediscovered the superiority of Greek and Roman culture after many centuries of
what they considered intellectual and cultural decline. The preceding era,
which began with the collapse of the Roman Empire around the 5th century,
became known as the middle Ages to indicate its position between the classical
and modern world.
The word
Ethiopia’s renaissance was adopted from the renaissance of Europe defined in
the above paragraph. Ethiopia has declared Ethiopia’s renaissance since the end
of 6th Pagume 1999, when it celebrated the beginning of the third
millennium on 1st Meskeram 2000 in the Tropics, when it was 12th
September 2007 in the Temperates. Ethiopia’s renaissance is called natural
renaissance of the entire Tropics, because it were declared based on the solar
calendar of Ethiopia.
Ethiopia’s renaissance was adopted from the renaissance of Europe defined in
the above paragraph. Ethiopia has declared Ethiopia’s renaissance since the end
of 6th Pagume 1999, when it celebrated the beginning of the third
millennium on 1st Meskeram 2000 in the Tropics, when it was 12th
September 2007 in the Temperates. Ethiopia’s renaissance is called natural
renaissance of the entire Tropics, because it were declared based on the solar
calendar of Ethiopia.
the idea of rebirth originated and adopted in the belief that we Ethiopian rediscovered
the superiority of Europeans renaissance, Greek and Roman philosophy and
culture after two millenniums of what we considered not only discovering the
Tropics but also rediscovering the Temperates in order to contribute some for
new human civilization that is compatible both with digital age and nature.
the idea of rebirth originated and adopted in the belief that we Ethiopian rediscovered
the superiority of Europeans renaissance, Greek and Roman philosophy and
culture after two millenniums of what we considered not only discovering the
Tropics but also rediscovering the Temperates in order to contribute some for
new human civilization that is compatible both with digital age and nature.
Thus, discovering
the Tropics means that institutionalizing the oneness of Tropics via the solar
calendar of Ethiopia; and simultaneously rediscovering the Temperates implies
institutionalizing the oneness of the Temperates via the solar calendar of
Gregorian (named Julian before 1582).
the Tropics means that institutionalizing the oneness of Tropics via the solar
calendar of Ethiopia; and simultaneously rediscovering the Temperates implies
institutionalizing the oneness of the Temperates via the solar calendar of
Gregorian (named Julian before 1582).
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates
Discovering the Tropics is on the hands of every
individual and on the day Pagume 6.
individual and on the day Pagume 6.
The day Pagume 6 is
the formula of our solar system. The day Pagume 6 is recorded both by clock and
calendar once in every four years. What is the justification that Pagume 6 is
known only once in every four years?
the formula of our solar system. The day Pagume 6 is recorded both by clock and
calendar once in every four years. What is the justification that Pagume 6 is
known only once in every four years?
The knowledge and
skill of man is limited only to recognize Pagume 6 once in every four years by
making two solar technologies are called clock and calendar. Clock records hours, minutes and
seconds of the day. Calendar records days, weeks and months of the year.
skill of man is limited only to recognize Pagume 6 once in every four years by
making two solar technologies are called clock and calendar. Clock records hours, minutes and
seconds of the day. Calendar records days, weeks and months of the year.
The day Pagume 6
itself is the source of three categories of four years. Thre categories of four
years recur in every four years. When the day Pagume 6 recurs, the year has 366
days. Let call it category three because it is unique year with the greatest
number of days in the cycle. A year begins at the end of Pagume 6 is category
one, because the year begins on Meskeram 1 in the Tropics, when it is September
12 in the Temperates. Two consecutive years recur between category one and
category three are called category two. They are called category two because
each year begins and ends on Meskeram 1 and Pagume 5 in the Tropics, when
September is 11 and 10 in the Temperates.
itself is the source of three categories of four years. Thre categories of four
years recur in every four years. When the day Pagume 6 recurs, the year has 366
days. Let call it category three because it is unique year with the greatest
number of days in the cycle. A year begins at the end of Pagume 6 is category
one, because the year begins on Meskeram 1 in the Tropics, when it is September
12 in the Temperates. Two consecutive years recur between category one and
category three are called category two. They are called category two because
each year begins and ends on Meskeram 1 and Pagume 5 in the Tropics, when
September is 11 and 10 in the Temperates.
Monday, 30 June 2014
Fassil Tassew Tadesse - Google+
Fassil Tassew Tadesse - Google+
Pagume 6Hamle and July are unlike monthshttps://www.facebook.com/fassil.tassew.tadesse
Pagume 6Hamle and July are unlike monthshttps://www.facebook.com/fassil.tassew.tadesse
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
<!-- Go to www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-53aaef756ce41fc1"></script>hhh://www.pagume6.com
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<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-53aaef756ce41fc1"></script>hhh://www.pagume6.com
Blogger: Blogger Dashboard
Blogger: Blogger Dashboard
Ethiopian Millennium is declared to be known as the African Millennium by the
general assembly of Africa Union on 24 Tir 1999. That was why Professor Alfa
Omar Konare who was the chairman of Africa Union as one of the distinguished
guest delivered speech to the world about the African Millennium during the
midnight of Pagume 6, 1999 from the Millennium Hall at Bole, Addis Ababa. Apart
from that the Federal Government of Ethiopia through the Prime Minster Melse
Zenawi declared that. "A thousand years from now, when Ethiopians gather to welcome the fourth
Millennium, they shall say the eve of the third Millennium was the beginning of
the end of the dark ages in Ethiopia,”.pagume6
Ethiopian Millennium is declared to be known as the African Millennium by the
general assembly of Africa Union on 24 Tir 1999. That was why Professor Alfa
Omar Konare who was the chairman of Africa Union as one of the distinguished
guest delivered speech to the world about the African Millennium during the
midnight of Pagume 6, 1999 from the Millennium Hall at Bole, Addis Ababa. Apart
from that the Federal Government of Ethiopia through the Prime Minster Melse
Zenawi declared that. "A thousand years from now, when Ethiopians gather to welcome the fourth
Millennium, they shall say the eve of the third Millennium was the beginning of
the end of the dark ages in Ethiopia,”.pagume6
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Tropics: Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days o...
Tropics: Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days o...: Akademische/r Mitarbeiterin / Mitarbeiter als Koordinatorin / Koordinator job opening in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany - INOMICS | Economics Job.
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temperates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprrates! Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprrates!
Akademische/r Mitarbeiterin / Mitarbeiter als Koordinatorin / Koordinator job opening in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany - INOMICS | Economics Jobs
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprrates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprrates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!fassiltassewblogpost.com
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprrates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprrates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprrates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprrates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!fassiltassewblogpost.com
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprrates!
Week days of the Tropics are unlike to week days of the Temprrates!
Monday, 16 June 2014
Seasons of the Tropics are different from seasons of the Temperates.
The surface area of the Tropics is 429,962,824.6 km2, where as surface area of the Temperates is about 81,307,073.9 km2. Moreover it is wise to know that according to the theory of relativity in which space and time are inseparable. Thus surface area of the Tropics belongs to the Ethiopian calendar, when surface are of the Temperates belongs to the Gregorian calendar. It is naturally observed and scientifically proved that the power of revealing the truth of Earth by the Ethiopian calendar is more than 5.239 times the power of the Gregorian calendar.
Thursday, 5 June 2014
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temp...
English is not time, since it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days.: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temp...: Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates Although we are living in a digital age, about 84% of our land is called Tropics. fassiltassewblogpost.com.
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