Wednesday, 5 February 2014

February of the Temperates and Yekatit.of the Tropics are unlike months

February is different from Yekatit. February is different from Yekatit. February is the second month of the year in the temperates. But Yekatit is the sixth month of the year in the tropics. February has a set of 28 days in an ordinary and 29 days in the leap year, where as Yekatit has a set of 30 days both in an ordinary and leap year. February reveals 28 or 29 slower rotations of the temperates, where as Yekatit does reveal 30 faster rotations of the tropics. Undiscovered tropics vs. re-undiscovered temperates Both use of February in the tropics and Yekatit only in the current Ethiopia are signal for the existence of undiscovered Tropics and re-undiscovered temperates. This means that both use of February in the tropics and Yekatit only in the current Ethiopia is false. First, use of February in the tropics is false because subset of winter of north and summer of south temperates were/are/will not be recurring in the tropics. Second, use of Yekatit only in the current Ethiopia is false because subset of Bega of north and Kermit of south tropics cannot simultaneously recurring in small area of first quadrant tropics (Ethiopia). Moreover, the circumference of the current Ethiopia cannot cover one day. In other words, both the undiscovered tropics and re-undiscovered temperates reveal that English is not time. English is not time because it does know neither Yekatit nor other months of Ethiopia. Nevertheless, Yekatit does use English to discover the Tropics and re-discover the Temperates. Yekatit is 30 times faster rotations of the Tropics, when 9 February to 9 March is 30 slower rotations of the Temperates. Discovering the tropics and re-discovering the temperates Only use of February in the temperates and Yekatit in the tropics are natural and scientific.  Question one: given that one day is one rotation of earth, what is the difference between Yekatit and February? o Answer: Yekatit does reveal 30 faster rotations of the Tropics, o Where as February reveals 28 or 29 slower rotations of the Temperates.  Question two, given that month is one of the subset of 12 calendar months (year of 365 or 366 days is divided by number 12): what is the difference between Yekatit and February? o Answer: Yekatit is the sixth month of the year in the Tropics; o Whereas, February is the second month of the year in the Temperates.  Question three: given the number of day each month has is derived from the number of days’ takes one revolution of “moon” to round the earth or full month is observed in every 29.5 days. Thus 12 lunar months are divided into 6 of 29 and 6 of 30 days. What is the difference between Yekatit and February? o Answer the month Yekatit is the most scientific in the sense that the number of days it has is 30, and it is determined by dividing 365 or 366 days by 12 months. Besides the number of days Yekatit has both in an ordinary and leap year is equivalent to one of the sixth lunar month (30 days). o Whereas the month February is not scientific in the sense that the number of days it has is 28 (ordinary year) or 29 (leap year) are arbitrarily determined. Besides, compared to the number of days of lunar month, only in a leap year February is equivalent to one of the sixth lunar month (29 days).  Question four: given leap year day recurs once in every four year and it is added in the fourth year to make it 366 days. Therefore the principle of three categories of four year is the law of leap year day. Regarding this principle what is the difference between Yekatit and February? o Answer: Yekatit does not violate the principle of 3 categories of four year. o Whereas, February does violate the principle of 3 categories of four year because it is not the 12th month in the Gregorian as it were in the Julian.  Question five: Given different variation of day and night and season of the year are the result of rotation and revolution of earth, what is the difference between Yekatit and February? o Answer: 30 days of Yekatit is a subset of Bega of north (flatly decreasing daylight hours is greater than 12 hours) and Kermit of south (flatly increasing daylight hours is less than 12 hours) in the tropics. o Whereas, 28 or 29 days of February is subset of winter of north (steeply decreasing daylight hours is greater than 12 hours) and Summer of South (steeply increasing daylight hours is less than 12 hours) in the temperates.  Question six: given the fact that both Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar are made based on the solar system. So that both calendars are printed and found every year in Ethiopia. What is the difference between Yekatit and February? o Answer: Yekatit is different from February. For example, today is 1st Yekatit 2005 in the tropics, when 8 February 2013 is in the temperates. When February is 28 or 29 in the temperates, Yekatit is 21 in the Tropics both in an ordinary and leap year. Therefore, the intersection of Yekatit and February is 21 days in both leap year and ordinary year. o Yekatit is the sixth month of the year in the tropics where as February is the second month of the year in the temperates. o Yekatit has a set of 30 days both in an ordinary and leap year. But. February has a set of 28 days in an ordinary and 29 days in the leap year,

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